Joseph Priestley And the Discovery of Oxygen in 1774

Joseph Priestley And the Discovery of Oxygen in 1774

Author: Vera Koester

Joseph Priestley (1733–1804) was an English theologian, chemist, and natural philosopher, best known for his pioneering work in the study of gases. He is credited with the discovery and isolation of oxygen. However, his holding on to the phlogiston theory prevented him from understanding the elemental nature of the gas.

During a visit to Paris, Joseph Priestley informed the Academy of Sciences of his discovery. Antoine Lavoisier (1743–1794) repeated Priestley’s experiments and concluded that the type of air Priestley had isolated was responsible for the weight gain during combustion. Lavoisier called it oxygen, Greek for “acid generator,” because the products of combustion he had studied were acidic.

Joseph Priestley also identified and studied several other gases, including ammonia, nitrous oxide and carbon monoxide.

He was a strong supporter of religious and political reform, and his advocacy of the French Revolution and political opposition forced him to emigrate to America in 1794. There he continued his scientific research while living as a farmer.

For a more detailed look on the discovery of oxygen and Priestley’s life, please see this very recent article on his house in America.


Joseph Priestley is the answer to Guess the Chemist (157).

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