Chemicals Management in the New Batteries Regulation: Perspectives from Regulators and Industry

The event aims to provide a high-level overview of the new Batteries Regulation (tasks, challenges) and the course of action that is being taken, to activate and raise awareness among an audience that may not be familiar with the topic and recent developments in Brussels & ECHA. The target audience are authorities in Central and Eastern countries as well as local industry representatives, as well as other actors that are interested and important for the implementation of the battery regulation.


  • The battery Regulation a key EU program to manage the potential risks of all type of batteries: a generic overview
    Ainhoa Gonzalez (Eurometaux)
  • The European Chemicals Agency and its role in the new Batteries Regulation
    Letizia Polci (ECHA)
  • Chemicals management in the new Batteries Regulation: The perspective of the battery industry and how can the industry anticipate
    Raji Kaur (RECHARGE)
  • Chemicals management in the new Batteries Regulation: The perspective of the battery users
    OEM (TBC)
  • Industry initiatives: Exchange & Capacity building Group on Battery Materials (ECaBaM)
    Ainhoa González (Eurometaux)
Event Details

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