Euroanalysis 2025

The conference will address how current progress in analytical chemistry can benefit sustainable development goals. The event will cover the use of green methodologies and technologies such as smart, multimodal sensors and high throughput techniques for the protection of ecosystems. The theme of the conference will be “Analytics 5.0: answering societal challenges”.


Local Organizing Committee

  • Anna de Juan, University of Barcelona, Spain
  • Rosa Maria Marcé, Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, Spain
  • Elisabet Fuguet, University of Barcelona, Spain
  • Manel Alcalà, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
  • Anna Rigol, University of Barcelona, Spain
  • Sònia Sentellas, University of Barcelona, Spain
  • Manuela Hidalgo, University of Girona, Spain
  • Silvia Lacorte, Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research from the Spanish Research Council (IDAEA-CSIC), Spain
  • Cristian Gómez, Institut Químic de Sarrià-Ramon Llull Univers, Spain
Event Details

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