Advances in Chemical Biology

The event will feature the latest research from various topics in chemical biology such as methods and tool development, synthetic approaches, structural biology, biocatalysis, secondary metabolites, peptides, carbohydrates, as well as all other chemical biological topics. The recipient of the Richard Willstätter Prize, recognized for exceptional long-standing contributions to chemical biology, yet to be announced will present a keynote lecture at the conference. 

Selected Speakers

Nucleoside Phosphates with Roles in Chemical Biology and Medicinal Chemistry
Prof. Clemens Richert, Universität Stuttgart | Germany
Magic Spot Nucleotides in Plant Pathogen Interactions
Prof. Dr. Henning Jessen, University of Freiburg | Germany
RNA Processing Ribozymes as Fundamental Players in Early Life and Tools in RNA Engineering
Prof. Dr. Sabine Müller, University of Greifswald | Germany
Bioaffinity Chromatography Controlled by Light
Prof. Dr. Arne Skerra, Technische Universität München | Germany
Selective Photocontrol of Deleterious but Chemotherapeutically Essential Glutaminase Activity in Escherichia Coli Asparaginase Type-II
Dr. Andrea Hupfeld (née Kneuttinger), University of Regensburg | Germany
Investigating the Role of SH3BP2 in Creating Local Heterogeneity of Protein Concentration Using Opto-Chemical Probes
Kristina Viktoria Bayer, University of Heidelberg | Germany
In-Cell Structural Biology by Large-Scale Site-Specific Photo-Crosslinking
Prof. Dr. Felix Hausch, TU Darmstadt | Germany
Chemical Metabolomics – Integration of Chemical Biology Tools and Metabolomics for Microbiome Metabolism Investigations
Prof. Dr. Daniel Globisch | Uppsala University | Sweden
Chem-CRISPR/dCas9FCPF – A platform for chemically induced epigenome editing
Dr. Xinlai Cheng | Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main | Germany
Protein post-translational modification mimics for applications in chemical biology.
Dr. Pavel Kielkowski | LMU Munich | Germany
Structure-based design of antiviral peptides
Prof. Dr. Jutta Eichler | Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg | Germany
Peptides in Action! – versatile chemical biology tools
Prof. Dr. Olalla Vázquez | Philipps Universität Marburg | Germany
Exploring the molecular basis of heme binding to blood coagulation factors based on peptide models
Jun.-Prof. Marie-T. Hopp | University of Koblenz | Germany
Photochromism in cyclic dipeptides: biocompatible switches and smart materials
PD Dr. Zbigniew Pianowski | KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Germany
Applications of enzymes in drug discovery & development at Novartis
Dr. Radka Snajdrova | Novartis AG | Switzerland
Inhibitor fluorination pattern tunes chemically induced protein dimerization

Prof. Dr. Ute Hellmich | Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena | Germany


Chemoproteomic profiling of protease-mediated host-microbe interactions in the human intestine

Dr. Markus Lakemeyer | Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena | Germany

Monovalent Degraders Supercharge the Native Degradation of indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase (IDO1) by KLHDC3

Dr. Slava Ziegler | Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology | Germany

Natural Products From Interacting Microorganisms and Ancient Microbiomes
Prof. Dr. Pierre Stallforth | Leibniz Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie – Hans-Knöll-Institut e.V. | Germany
Event Details

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