New VCI President

New VCI President

Author: ChemistryViews

Markus Steilemann, CCO of Covestro AG, Leverkusen, Germany, has again been elected President of the German Association of Chemical Industry (Verband der Chemischen Industrie, VCI) from 2024 to 2026. He has led the association since September 2022.

“There is a lot at stake. It is about a good future. Not just for our industry, but for the whole country. A strong economy is part of a solid foundation for the state and our society. Therefore, we will continue to do our utmost to be a strong voice for the economy in Germany and Europe.”, Markus Steilmann said.

Markus Kamieth, CEO of BASF, was elected as a new Vice Chairman. Carsten Knobel, CEO of Henkel, was confirmed in office for a further two years. Hubertus von Baumbach (Boehringer), Christian Kohlpaintner (Brenntag), Christian Kullmann (Evonik) and Matthias Zachert (Lanxess) were re-elected to the Executive Committee for a further two years. Other members of the Executive Committee are: Bill Anderson (Bayer), Martin Babilas (Altana), Reinhold von Eben-Worlée (Worlée-Chemie), Henrik Follmann (Follmann Chemie), Belén Garijo (Merck), Wolfgang Große Entrup (VCI), Christian Hartel (Wacker Chemie), Sabine Herold (DELO Industrie Klebstoffe) and Julia Schlenz (Dow Germany).


Markus Steilemann, born 1970 in Geilenkirchen, Germany, studied chemistry and business administration at RWTH Aachen University, Germany, and received his Ph.D. in chemistry from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland. In 1999, he joined Bayer AG, Leverkusen, Germany. From 2004 to 2005, he was Head of the Department “Organization, Processes and Regions”, from 2005 to 2007, Head of Global Supply Chain Management and Vice President, and from 2008 to 2012, Vice President Marketing Asia Pacific and Marketing Polycarbonate. From 2012 to 2015, he was Senior Vice President Marketing and later Business Unit Head Polyurethanes, Member of Executive Committee in Shanghai, China.

Back in Germany, Steilemann became a member of the Covestro Board of Management in 2015 with responsibility for innovation. In 2017, he took over as Chief Commercial Officer (CCO).



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