Enjoy testing your knowledge of Italy’s contributions and representation within Chemistry Europe—just for fun, no prizes this time!
At the bottom of the article, you’ll find photos from the prize draw in Italy and information about the winners.
✍️ How many Chemistry Europe journals have an Italian Editor in Chief?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 5
See answer
- ChemistryEurope
Editor in Chief is Luisa De Cola, Professor at the University of Milan and Head of the Materials for Health Unit at the Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri (IRCCS), Milan, Italy - ChemistryOpen and
- Chemistry—Methods
Editor in Chief is Dr. Francesca Novara, Wiley-VCH - ChemSusChem
Editor in Chief is Dr. Leana Travaglini, Wiley-VCH
🎖️ How many Chemistry Europe Fellows are Italian?
a) 5
b) 11
c) 14
d) 26
See answer
The Chemistry Europe Fellows Program recognizes members of Chemistry Europe societies for their outstanding achievements and contributions to Chemistry Europe, and service to at least one member society. Since its inception in 2015, there are now nearly 160 Fellows.
From Italy, there are 14 Chemistry Europe Fellows: 13 Fellows and 1 Honorary Fellow
Chemistry Europe Honorary Fellow
- Francesco De Angelis, University of L’Aquila, Italy, and former president of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI)
Chemistry Europe Fellows
- Alessandro Abbotto
- Angela Agostiano
- Vincenzo Balzani
- Silvia Bordiga
- Gabriele Centi
- Pier Giorgio Cozzi
- Luisa de Cola
- Gianluca Maria Farinola
- Federico Bella
- Cesare Gennari
- Nicola Armaroli
- Maurizio Prato
- Roberta Sessoli
- Giorgio Tarzia
👤 Who is the Representative of the Italian Chemical Society within Chemistry Europe?
a) Professor Maurizio Prato
b) Professor Angela Agostiano
c) Professor Vincenzo Balzani
d) Professor Gianluca M. Farinola
See answer
Gianluca Maria Farinola, Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro in Bari, Italy, and President of the Società Chimica Italiana (SCI, Italian Chemical Society) from January 2023 to December 2025 is the Representative of the SCI for Chemistry Europe
🏛️ Which 3 Italian institutions have the highest number of publications in Chemistry Europe journals?
a) University of Milan
b) Sapienza University of Rome
c) University of Bologna
d) Politecnico di Torino
e) Università degli Studi di Padova
See answer
- University of Bologna
- University of Milan
- University of Padua
📘 Which 3 Chemistry Europe journal have the most contributions from Italian researchers?
a) ChemSusChem
b) Chemistry – A European Journal
c) ChemMedChem
d) European Journal of Organic Chemistry
e) European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
See answer
- Chemistry – A European Journal
- European Journal of Organic Chemistry
- European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
🏆 Winning entries of which SCI competition have been featured in ChemistryViews multiple times?
a) 1000xChemistry contest
b) Chi Mi Capisce
c) Concorso Musica Scienza (Music Science Competition)
See answer
The essays of the winners of the 1000xChemistry competition were translated into English and published in ChemistryViews. You can read them here
The Winners
*Originally, this quiz was created for the SCI 2024 – XXVIII National Congress in Milan, Italy. Now you can answer all the questions right here in this article! In case you are still interested in the original, check it out here.
Below, you’ll find photos from the prize draw in Milan at the SCI 2024 conference. Thank you to everybody who participated in the quiz and congratulations to the winners!
From all the correct entries received worldwide, we will randomly selected two winners and announce them in this article next week.
Also of Interest
Compilation of statements by Presidents of chemical societies (ACS, GÖCH, RACI, RSC, SCI) on the GDCh’s motto “Rethinking Chemistry”
The video gives a brief introduction to the work of the society and the values of chemistry as a whole
EuChemS Organic Division President Gianluca Farinola about his fascination for organic chemistry and the importance of young scientists
Her groundbreaking research on creating photophysically active materials and nanostructures for healthcare applications and her communication skills honored
New Chemistry Europe high-quality Gold open access journal covering all areas of chemistry
Documentary film describes a little-known three-week stay in Italy to find new sources of radium