3rd National Meeting of the Swedish Chemical Society (SCS2025)

3rd National Meeting of the Swedish Chemical Society (SCS2025)

A meeting for everyone with a passion for chemistry!

Participants from all fields of chemistry are welcome. The program will include inspiring presentations, interactive poster sessions, and ample networking opportunities.

The organizers expect to attract 400 to 500 delegates to Stockholm to learn about the latest developments across all fields of chemistry. The meeting provides an opportunity to promote new and innovative technologies, products, and services, as well as to observe research trends, meet new contacts, and strengthen key relationships. Maximizing networking opportunities for our delegates is an important priority.


Meeting Chairs

  • Dr. Mark Rutland, Professor of Surface Chemistry, KTH
  • Dr. Berit Olofsson, Professor of Organic Chemistry, Stockholm University


Plenary Seakers Include

This list is updated continuously.

  • Leticia Gonzales, University of Vienna, Austria
  • Catherine Murphy, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
  • Helma Wennemers, ETH Zurich, Switzerland


Event Details

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