Angewandte Chemie 33/2024: Ambient or Mild

Angewandte Chemie 33/2024: Ambient or Mild

Author: Angewandte Chemie International Edition

In this issue, Yoshiaki Tanabe and Yoshiaki Nishibayashi review catalytic nitrogen fixation with well-defined molecular catalysts under ambient or mild reaction conditions. The Minireviews deal with supramolecular assembly frameworks for functional materials (Yong Cui et al.) as well as biomimetic photoexcited cobaloxime catalysis in organic synthesis (Osama El-Sepelgy et al.).

In the original research section, Gao Li et al. present an amorphous MnRuOx solid solution with a microcrystalline structure for enhanced acidic oxygen evolution activity and stability (see picture). Georgina L. Gregory et al. describe lithium borate polycarbonates for high-capacity solid-state composite cathodes. Charlotte K. Williams et al. show how to digitally process light to afford high-resolution and degradable CO2-derived copolymer elastomers. Zhi Zhou et al. succeeded in the design and evolution of an enzyme for the asymmetric Michael addition of cyclic ketones to nitroolefins by enamine catalysis.


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