76th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry

The event will bring together electrochemists to discuss the latest developments in both fundamental and applied aspects of electrochemistry.



  • Analytical Electrochemistry
  • Sensors and Biosensors
  • Batteries, Fuel Cells, Supercapacitors
  • Electrocatalysis and Electrolysis of Small Molecules: CO2, Water, N2
  • Electrodeposition and Electroplating
  • Corrosion and Passivity
  • Electrochemical Engineering and Technology
  • Environmental Electrochemistry
  • Closing Element Cycles: Recycling and Upcycling
  • Mechanisms in Molecular Electrochemistry
  • Electrosynthesis of High-Value Products
  • Innovative Electrolytes: Liquids, Solids, Membranes
  • Photoelectrochemistry
  • In-situ/Operando Characterization of Electrochemical Processes
  • Theoretical and Computational Electrochemistry
  • Analysis in Small Space and Short Time Domains


Selected Speakers

  • Bin Ren (Xiamen University)
  • Julie Macpherson (University of Warwick)
  • Y. Shirley Meng (University of Chicago)
  • Günter Schmid (Siemens Energy Global GmbH & Co. KG)


Organizing Committee

  • Philipp Adelhelm (Berlin)
  • Plamen Atanassov (Irvine)
  • Ulrike Krewer (Karlsruhe, Co-Chair)
  • Katharina Krischer (Munich)
  • Jaeyoung Lee (Gwangju)
  • Shelley Minteer (Salt Lake City)
  • Christina Roth (Bayreuth)
  • Debbie Silvester-Dean (Perth)
  • Siegfried R. Waldvogel (Mainz – Local Organizer)
  • Gunther Wittstock (Oldenburg, Co-Chair)
Event Details

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