The event will provide a forum for the biointerfaces community, from Swiss and international research teams in academia, hospitals, and industry to discuss the latest technologies across experimental and computational disciplines in the biointerfaces field.
- mRNA therapeutics
- Immune disease interfaces
- Biosensing and diagnostics
- Mechanobiology and mechanoimmunology
- Biomaterials
- Bioprinting and biofabrication
Selected Speakers
- Molly Stevens, University of Oxford, UK
- David Grainger, University of Utah, USA
- Suzie Pun, University of Washington, USA
- Massimo Mastrangeli, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Chantal Pichon, CNRS, University of Orleans, France
- Khalid Salaita, Emory University, USA
- Carole Bourquin, University of Geneva, Switzerland
- Gregoire Altan-Bonnet, National Cancer Institute, USA
- Joachim Spatz, Max Planck Institute for Medical Research and Heidelberg University, Germany