Angewandte Symposium Singapore

Invited Seakers

  • Peter Seeberger, MPI Potsdam, Germany
  • Annette Beck-Sickinger, University Leipzig, Germany (Chair Angewandte Chemie Int. Advisory Board)
  • Stefanie Dehnen, KIT Karlsruhe, Germany (GDCh President and delegation leader)
  • Peter R. Schreiner, University Giessen, Germany (former GDCh President)
  • Agnieszka Nowak-Król, University Würzburg, Germany (DFG Emmy Noether Fellow).
  • Liu Bin, Deputy President Research and Technology at the National University of Singapore – NUS
  • Xiaogang Liu (Provost’s Chair Professor, Department of Chemistry NUS
  • Xiaodong Chen (President‘s Chair Professor in Materials Science and Engineering and Director Max Planck – NTU Joint Lab for Artificial Senses, Nanyang Technological University – NTU, Singapore
  • Jason Y. C. Lim (Institute of Materials Research and Engineering – IMRE, A*Star)
  • Lili Zhang (Institute of Sustainability for Chemicals, Energy and Environment – ISCE2, A*Star


The German Research Foundation (DFG) supports the symposium which will be part of the 12th Singapore International Chemistry Conference (SICC-12) “Building Chemistry: Bridging Disciplines”, 9–13 December 2024.

Event Details


  1. P Baner

    The German Research Foundation (DFG) supports the symposium which will be part of the 12th Singapore International Chemistry Conference (SICC-12) “Building Chemistry: Bridging Disciplines”, 9–13 December 2024.

    An event of the future brought forward today!!!!


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