European Corrosion Congress (EUROCORR 2024)

The event will bring together corrosion experts from universities, research centers and industries to examine the latest developments in corrosion resistant materials, corrosion research, corrosion monitoring, coatings, inhibitors, cathodic protection. It will be a forum for presentation and discussion of advances in understanding corrosion phenomena and progress in corrosion prevention.


Selected Speakers

  • John Scully, University of Virginia, USA
    Exploring Corrosion and Passivation in Multi-Principal Element Alloys
  • Nick Birbilis, Deakin University, Australia
    An overview of corrosion of additively manufactured alloys
  • Arjan Mol, Technical University Delft, The Netherlands
    Machine learning assisted performance optimization of corrosion inhibitors and active protective coatings
  • Xiaogang Li, University of Science and Technology, China
    Corrosion big data for the design of application of low-alloy steels
  • Emilio Martínez-Pañeda, University of Oxford, UK
    Towards a Virtual Corrosion Lab: a new generation of mechanistic, multi-physics models for pitting and stress corrosion cracking


Event Details

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