In this German-language science show, Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim explains current science topics to a braod audience. New episodes are broadcast every Sunday.
- Homöopathie wirkt doch
- Atomkraft ohne Plan
- Die Tricks der Kosmetikindustrie
- Kryptowährung Bitcoin – jetzt erst recht?
- Tierversuche: Welches Leben retten wir?
- Kopfball – Hirnschäden durch (Kinder-) Fußball!
Also of Interest
- GDCh Award for Journalists and Writers for Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim,
ChemistryViews 2021.
Well-known German science communicator honored - Interview with Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim – One of Germany’s Best-Known Science Communicators,
ChemistryViews 2021.
The chemist, YouTuber, and Germany’s best-known science communicator on her ambitions, responsibility, and the prevalence of hate speech