The event aims to offer a platform to discuss the main challenges facing dynamic polymer networks (DNPs), bringing together scientists, engineers, and students working on every aspect of this research field.
- Synthesis and processing of DPNs
- DPNs from renewable resources
- Recycling of DPNs
- Characterization of DPNs
- Supramolecular DPNs
- Modelling of DPN properties
- DPNs with programmed functions
- Cutting-edge applications of DPNs
Selected Speakers
- Christopher N. Bowman, University of Colorado, USA
- Joost Brancart, VUB, Belgium
- William Dichtel, Northwestern University, USA
- Hans Heuts, TU/e, The Netherlands
- Yan Ji, Tsinghua University, China
- Julia Kalow, Northwestern University, USA
- Dominik Konkolewicz, Miami University, USA
- Renaud Nicolaÿ, ESPCI, PSL, France
- Stuart Rowan, University of Chicago, USA
- Evelyne van Ruymbeke, UCLouvain, Belgium
- Sandra Schloegl, PCCL, Austria
- Cornelis Storm, TU/e, The Netherlands
- John M. Torkelson, Northwestern University, USA
- Christoph Weder, AMI Fribourg, Switzerland
- Tao Xie, Zhejiang University, China