In this issue, R. Niessner et al. review the contamination of aquatic ecosystems with microplastic. It cannot be effectively removed, so how can it be avoided and evaluated? In a Minireview, R. G. Carter et al. discuss the synthetic design of schinortriterpenoids.
In the Communications section, I. Abe et al. explain how the characterization of giant molecular polyketide synthases provides insight into genetic mechanisms (see picture). M. Uesugui et al. found a synthetic hybrid molecule for the selective removal of human pluripotent stem cells from cell mixtures. A. Le Goff et al. describe carbon-nanotube-supported bio-inspired nickel catalysts and their integration in hybrid fuel cells. S. Hecht et al. present light-activated sensitive probes for amine detection.
- Angewandte Chemie 7/2017: Providing Insight,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 56 (7).