Angewandte Chemie 4/2014: High Stability

Angewandte Chemie 4/2014: High Stability

Author: Angewandte Chemie International Edition

This week, E. A. Theodorakis et al. review the chemistry and biology of neurotrophic natural products. How are such compounds synthesized and how do they induce neuronal growth? In a Minireview, S. Polarz et al. discuss hybrid surfactants with inorganic constituents. The Highlights deal with convergent synthesis planning of a complex alkaloid (X.-Y. Liu and D. Y.-K. Chen), the quest for ingenol (G. Appendino), and enantioselective wetting (G. Qing and T. Sun). In a set of Correspondence articles, H.-G. Korth, R. Rathore et al., and X. Wang et al. argue about persistent aniline radical cations, which were reported by the latter authors.

In the Communications section, L. Isaacs et al. present a highly stable cucurbit[7]uril–guest pair (see picture). B. Xing et al. succeeded in the NIR photoactivation of a platinum antitumor prodrug and simultaneous imaging. H. I Karunadasa et al. demonstrate reversible and irreversible chemisorption in nonporous–crystalline hybrids and C. A. Reed at al. report a superacidic fluorinated carborane that is capable of protonating alkanes at room temperature. M. Schnell et al. describe how to identify enantiomers in mixtures of chiral molecules with broadband microwave spectroscopy.

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