RCM/Beynon Award

RCM/Beynon Award

Author: ChemViews/Sarah Brett

Patrik Ek, Mårten Stjernström, Åsa Emmer, and Johan Roeraade, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, have been awarded the 2012 RCM/Beynon Award for Best Paper published in Rapid Communication in Mass Spectrometry (RCM) in the period 2010–2011. It was presented at the American Society for Mass Spectrometry Meeting in Vancouver, Canada, in May 2012, by the journal editors Paul Trevorrow, Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, UK, and John Monaghan, University of Edinburgh, UK (pictured, right and left side). 

The prize is awarded annually to the author(s) of a paper, published in RCM over the previous two calendar years. The winning paper is selected by the Awards Sub-committee and should describe an innovative advance in mass spectrometric instrumentation or methodology that has had immediate impact in its particular sub-discipline. The prize was established in 2004, to mark the 80th birthday of John Beynon, the founding Editor of RCM.

The above authors receive the award for their paper titled “Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry from discrete nanoliter-sized sample volumes”.

Group leader, Johan Roeraade (pictured with certificate), was born in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, where he gained his college education in chemical engineering. He moved to Sweden to study at the University of Agriculture, Uppsala. He then took up an industrial position working on the analysis of tobacco flavor. In 1981, he obtained his D.Sc. from the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, and in 1982, he joined the faculty there as associate professor. He is currently Head of the Analytical Chemistry Division at the Royal Institute of Technology.

Roeraade’s research focuses on capillary gas chromatography, where he is a pioneer in using micro- and nanotechnology for separations and related applications.

Photo (left to right): John Monaghan,
Johan Roeraade, Patrik Ek, and Paul Trevorrow.

For more details and to see previous winners: RCM/Beynon Award

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