2D Nitrogenated Crystals Better Than Graphene?

2D Nitrogenated Crystals Better Than Graphene?

Author: ChemistryViews.org

Joon Hak Oh, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Hyung-Joon Shin and Jong-Beom Baek, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), and other colleagues from South Korea have synthesized the thinnest layered 2D crystal reported to date. This C2N-h2D crystal is produced in a simple bottom-up wet-chemical reaction between hexaaminobenzene (HAB) trihydrochloride and hexaketocyclohexane (HKH) octahydrate.

The nitrogenated crystal has evenly distributed holes and nitrogen atoms in a layered structure with high crystallinity, as verified by atomic-resolution scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) imaging. The crystal has sp2 hybridization features with a semiconducting bandgap of approximately 1.96 eV (DFT calculated value: 1.70 eV) with unusual flat bands. A field-effect transistor (FET) device confirms its semiconducting nature (107 on/off ratio).

According to the researchers, the unique geometric and electronic structure of the nitrogenated crystal make it potentially suitable for use in electronics, sensors, and catalysis as well as in many more research areas, which may lead to complementary uses for graphene and h-BN. Its simple and highly efficient synthesis may open a new chapter in the cost-effective generation of other 2D materials.


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