Competitive European Industry

Competitive European Industry

Author: ChemistryViews

The European industries work together within the Alliance for a Competitive European Industry (ACEI). The ACEI groups Businesseurope and 11 major European industry sector associations like the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC). Together, these sectors account for 23 million jobs and 1.3 trillion Euros added value per year in Europe, with a strong contribution of SMEs.

The Alliance urged the European Commission to step up its efforts to make Europe as attractive as it needs to be for investors, and particularly industrial investors, so as to ensure a recovery of the real economy, with a perspective for growth and jobs. For this they submitted a note to President Barroso. This includes that the EU regulatory environment is both internationally competitive and provides a balanced approach across the economy as companies move towards an ever more environmentally conscious production. However, the development of an industrial policy focusing only on the green economy they call artificial.

The Alliance calls on the President to designate a Commissioner or a group of Commissioners responsible for an agenda which will promote a meaningful investment framework and, therefore, employment.

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