Highest MS Resolution in Latin America

Highest MS Resolution in Latin America

Author: ChemistryViews

Bruker has announced an order valued at over $2.5 million from ECOPETROL S.A. for a high field Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry (FTMS) instrumentation to be commissioned in Piedecuesta, Colombia, at the Instituto Colombiano del Petróleo (ICP). This institute serves as the research and development center for ECOPETROL S.A., a Fortune Global 500 provider of energy solutions.

The contract includes a 15 Tesla solariX™ FTMS system, the highest field FTMS product available today. The ultra-high mass resolution of this system can provide distinct molecular characterization of highly complex mixtures. It can provide the specificity necessary for assigning molecular formulae to the components within extremely complex “heavy” crude oil samples. Such analyses are critical to allow for the clean and efficient use of heavier crude sources, as the worldwide supply of light crude is becoming depleted. 

The instrument will represent the highest magnetic field strength FTMS system installed in Latin America to date.

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