Climatic Change – A Broad Overview

Climatic Change – A Broad Overview

Author: ChemistryViews

Climate change is a long-term change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over a period of time. Maps of the world’s climate will look very different to our grandchildren than they looked to our grandparents. The consequences of climatic change are being discussed globally and across many disciplines.

WIREs Climate Change addresses key topics written by leaders in their fields from diverse research perspectives, promoting cross-disciplinary discussion of the global phenomenon. These include climate models and modeling, climate economics, carbon economy and climate mitigation, and vulnerability and adaptation to climate change.

To date there is no other broadly based climate journal devoted exclusively to review-type content nor aspiring to provide a comprehensive and structured coverage of the full diversity of academic thinking about climate change. This exclusive format also allows it to embrace and reflect disagreement and contestation in the understanding of climate change without the constraint of needing to work towards consensus.

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