The event aims to bring together the biomass community to discuss scientific advances and innovations in biomass and bioenergy with the aim of advancing research and market uptake.
Facing climate and environmental challenges, the European Commission has taken firm commitment these global challenges, to conserve and enhance the natural capital and develop a more sustainable economy and society. Biomass is part of the solution and of our low-carbon future. Several biomass technologies are ready now to play an important role in the decarbonisation of the economy, as part of a circular economy, in the context of sustainable development. Biomass offers now several solutions in this energy transition, through a range of technologies to produce energy, sustainable fuels and biobased materials and chemicals.
Selected Topics
- Sustainable resources for decarbonising the economy
- Sustainability, impacts and policies
- Biomass, bio-based products and bioenergy integration
- Biomass conversion for bioenergy
- Biomass conversion to intermediate bioenergy carriers and sustainable biofuels
- Biomass conversion to bio-based products and chemicals
Event Details