The event is an organic chemistry conference in Germany for academic and industrial chemists. An important feature of the program are poster sessions where young researchers can present their latest results and discuss these with leading experts.
- Developing synthetic methodology
- Building complex molecules
- Understanding reaction mechanisms
- Applying molecules in the material and life sciences
Selected Speakers
- Takuzo Aida, The University of Tokyo
- Viktoria Däschlein-Gessner, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- Tanja Gaich, Universität Konstanz
- Ruth Gschwind, Universität Regensburg
- Burkhard König, Universität Regensburg
- Andreas Marx, Universität Konstanz
- Nuno Maulide, Universität Wien
- Bill Morandi, ETH Zürich
- Cristina Nevado, Universität Zürich
- Martin Oestreich, TU Berlin
- Corinna Schindler, University of Michigan
- Oliver Wenger, Universität Base
The event is supported by Chemistry Europe.
Event Details