ACES Newsletter 1
September 2015
Dear Society Member,
Welcome to the first Asian Chemical Editorial Society (ACES) newsletter! Here you’ll find out all the latest about ACES activities, partners, and publications, as well as getting a sneak peek into some of the best papers from the ACES journals. But just in case you’re new to ACES, some of the basics first.
What is ACES?
Thirteen chemical societies in the Asia-Pacific region collaborate to bring you three international research journals Chemistry – An Asian Journal, Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry (AsianJOC), and ChemNanoMat. Click here to see if your society is a member of ACES and profit from exclusive low member subscription rates.
FACS supports ACES Journals
The Federation of Asian Chemical Societies (FACS) has become a supporting organization in the publication of all ACES journals. This means that if your local society is a member of FACS, you can also enjoy the member benefits shown above!
Referee Recognition
Referees are a vital part of the publication process.
ACES, its sister organization ChemPubSoc Europe, and the publisher, Wiley-VCH, thank all reviewers for their dedication. Click here to read more.
Young Researchers
Sharpen your scientific presenting skills!
Richard Threlfall, Editor of the Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry, shows you the techniques you need to make excellent posters and scientific talks. Click here to read more.
The AsianJOC and its sister journal European Journal of Organic Chemistry (EurJOC) sponsored poster prizes at the 7th Spanish-Portuguese-Japanese Organic Chemistry Symposium.
More awards together with ACES societies can be found here.
Society Events
Connect with your local society or get to know one of their regional counterparts. Click here for recent and upcoming events of the ACES partner societies.
Meet the Editors and Celebrate with Us
You are cordially invited to celebrate 10 years of Chemistry – An Asian Journal at Pacifichem 2015! More details are available here. For other conferences at which you can meet the editors of your favourite journals, please click here.
All your ACES societies thank all authors, reviewers, and readers
for making ACES such a fantastic success story.
We look forward to more exciting collaborations, and great chemistry of course, in the future.
See you in Honolulu!

Sister Journals
Sister Journals from Participating ACES Societies