News from the ChemPubSoc Europe Presidents Meeting

How Does ChemPubSoc Europe Work?

ChemPubSoc Europe (CPSE) is an association of 16 European chemical societies, each of which has nominated one representative; the group of representatives meets once a year at their Owners Meeting, always in a different host country. Listed in Table 1 are the member societies and their current representatives. With its publishing partner, Wiley-VCH, CPSE publishes 11 journals and one online magazine, all listed in Table 2, together with the Editors-in-Chief and Editorial Board chairpersons. On the publisher’s side, the collaboration is led by Dr. Eva Wille, and Managing Editor Dr. Karen Hindson. The Newsletter that you are reading is written and edited by a team at Wiley-VCH together with the Presidents of CPSE. All involved in publishing for CPSE work in a lean and pragmatic way. This is sometimes challenging in itself, as there are 16 societies and a dozen publications to be taken care of in a very competitive global environment, which currently faces many changes in publishing, such as the move from print to online and open access.

For CPSE, the year begins with the “Presidents Meeting”. It reviews the previous calendar year for which the Editorials of the individual journals provide ample information. In 2014 the 7th “Presidents Meeting” took place in Paris at the end of January, and in June there will be the 19th meeting of all representatives in Weinheim (not far from Frankfurt) where the publishers Wiley-VCH and all editorial offices are located.

Not surprisingly, the new journals ChemElectroChem, ChemPlusChem, and ChemistryOpen, the first gold open access journal published by chemical societies, were looked at very closely. But also numbers of submitted and published articles, rejection rates, usage numbers, publication times, uptake of open access for all journals were presented and discussed. In addition, information about royalties is of course of great interest and importance for the societies as they allow them to finance established and special programs for their members. Royalties are paid to the member societies based primarily on the journals’ (subscription) revenues and the number of articles coming from the member societies’ countries. Plans for the “Owners Meeting” and for the future formed the other part of the packed agenda.

The 2013 statistics showed healthy trends, demonstrating that the motto “quality first” is a sound basis for the journals’ development. Publication times could be further reduced, while keeping the high level personal service for authors and referees. Even more encouraging had been the development of the citation numbers for all journals, including the Impact Factors and the Immediacy Indexes. And, CPSE’s e-zine, is seen as trendsetting, a much-copied modern way of delivering inspiring chemical content.


Table 1. Representatives of ChemPubSoc Europe societies.

Society Name



Gesellschaft Österreichischer Chemiker (GÖCH)


Günter Grampp

Société Royale de Chimie (SRC) and the Koninklijke Vlaamse Chemische Vereniging (KVCV)


Benoît Champagne

Czech Chemical Society (CCS)

Czech Republic

Pavel Drasar

Société Chimique de France (SCF)


Christian Amatore*

Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh)


Wolfram Koch*

Association of Greek Chemists (EEX)


Athanasios Papadopoulos

Hungarian Chemical Society (MKE)


Livia Simon Sarkadi

Società Chimica Italiana (SCI)


Francesco de Angelis*

Koninklijke Nederlandse Chemische Vereniging (KNCV)

the Netherlands

Lene Hviid

Polish Chemical Society (PTChem)


Piotr Balczewski

Sociedade Portuguesa de Química (SPQ)


Maria José Calhorda

Slovak Chemical Society (SCHS)


Dušan Velič

Real Sociedad Española de Química (RSEQ)


Luis A. Oro*

The Swedish Chemical Society (SK)


Per-Ola Norrby

Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft (SCG)


Helma Wennemers

 *Presidents of ChemPubSoc Europe; 05.05.2014


Table 2. Editors and Editorial Board Chairperson(s) of ChemPubSoc Europe titles.



Chair Editorial Board


Peter Gölitz

Thomas Carell, Donald Hilvert, Barbara Imperiali


Michael Rowan

Uwe Bornscheuer, Luis Oro, Bert Weckhuysen


Greta Heydenrych

Bing-Wie Mao, Wolfgang Schuhmann, Jean-Marie Tarascon

Chemistry – A European Journal

Neville Compton

Jan-Erling Bäckvall


Natalia Ortúzar, Karen Hindson, Haymo Ross

Ramón Martinez-Máñez,
Thomas Wirth, Jean-Marie Lehn

ChemViews (Magazine of ChemPubSoc Europe)

Vera Köster



Natalia Ortúzar

Rainer Metternich, Giorgio Tarzia


Greta Heydenrych

Christian Amatore, Michael Grätzel, Michael Orrit


Neville Compton, Marisa Spiniello

Matthias Driess, Michal Hocek, Nico A. J. M. Sommerdijk


Guido Kemeling

Matthias Beller, Gabriele Centi, Licheng Sun

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry

Karen Hindson

Bas de Bruin

European Journal of Organic Chemistry

Haymo Ross

Cesare Gennari


Associated Journals


Chair Editorial Board

Angewandte Chemie

Peter Gölitz

Alois Fürstner

Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry

Richard Threlfall

Sung Ho Kang, Keiji Maruoka, Deqing Zhang

Chemistry – An Asian Journal

Theresa Kueckmann

Ryoji Noyori


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