9 Key Strategies by CEFIC for European Chemical Innovation

9 Key Strategies by CEFIC for European Chemical Innovation

Author: ChemistryViews

Innovation is crucial for the European chemical industry to remain competitive, achieve the goals of the Green Deal and strengthen Europe’s strategic autonomy. Following the Antwerp Declaration, Cefic now presents a 9-point action plan outlining the key steps it believes policy makers and the EU need to take to position the chemical industry as a global innovation leader.

The chemical industry is at a critical juncture as it must strive for circularity, digitalization, climate neutrality, and the transition to safe and sustainable chemicals while remaining competitive. This ambitious goal will require a fundamental shift in how and what is produced by 2050.  A supportive regulatory and policy framework is needed to make this transformation a success. And as the industry association emphasizes, the time to act is now.

Cefic’s 9 actions to drive innovation in the European Chemical Industry:

  1. Reduce administrative burden.
  2. Prioritise pilot plant infrastructure, including co-location facilities, in the future Horizon Europe programme.
  3. Foster EU-wide collaboration across industries and academia, supporting cross value chain initiatives and sufficient joint centres of excellence for Intellectual Property (IP) development and sharing.
  4. Streamline funding applications with a focus on mature technologies and initial market entry.
  5. Make sustainability and industry competitiveness strategic drivers for innovation and development of new technologies & products.
  6. Implement effective and efficient market pull measures.
  7. Establish clear standards on data sharing and calculation protocols
  8. Strengthen Europe’s innovation ecosystem to retain and attract talent through a collaborative approach among industries, startups, research entities, educational institutions, and funding bodies.
  9. Promote innovation in the chemical industry as beneficial for society through public events and online platforms.


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