88th Annual Meeting of the Israel Chemical Society (ICS)

As in previous years, the program will cover all fields of chemistry, including basic and applied sciences, and chemistry education.

There will be a delegation of prominent scientists and graduate students from Taiwan.


Organizing Committee

  • Hagay Shpaisman, Bar Ilan University (co-chair)
  • Gerardo Byk, Bar Ilan University (co-chair)
  • Yonatan Dubi, Ben Gurion University
  • Lior Elbaz, Bar Ilan University
  • Shadi Farah, Technion
  • Mindy Levine, Ariel University
  • Guy Mechrez, Volcani Institute
  • Raya Sorkin, Tel Aviv University
  • Edit Tshuva, The Hebrew University
  • Milko Van der Boom, Weizmann Institute



Event Details

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