5th Workshop on Magnetically Induced Molecular Currents (MAGIC 2024)

This workshop will explore magnetically induced current densities in atoms and molecules from experimental, theoretical, and computational perspectives. It will also delve into the relationships between chemical bonding and molecular magnetic properties. A key aim is to foster connections between established scientists and emerging researchers, potentially sparking future research collaborations.


Selected Speakers

  • Amnon Stanger, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
  • Atif Mahmood, University of Helsinki
  • Cate Anstöter, University of Edinburgh
  • Dage Sundholm, University of Helsinki
  • Daniel Blasco Santana, University of Rioja
  • Edward Cummings, University of York
  • Emiel Vanden Berghe, University of Ghent
  • Francesco Summa, University of Salerno
  • Frank Ortmann, Technical University Munich
  • Gosia Olejniczac, University of Warsaw
  • Guglielmo Monaco, University of Salerno
  • Henrik Ottosson, Uppsala University
  • Hugo Åström, University of Helsinki
  • Igor Roncevic, University of Oxford
  • Jordi Poater, University of Barcelona
  • Judy Wu, University of Houston
  • Maria Dimitrova, University of Helsinki
  • Marija Baranac-Stojanović, University of Belgrade
  • Matthias Bickelhaupt, University of Amsterdam
  • Mesias Orozco Ic, Donostia International Physics Center
  • Miquel Solà, University Girona
  • Olga Malkina, Slovak Akademy of Sciences
  • Patrick Fowler, University of Sheffield
  • Ralph Puchta, University of Erlangen
  • Raphael Berger, University of Salzburg
  • Remco Havenith, University of Groningen
  • Riccardo Zanasi, University of Salerno
  • Rinat Nasibullin, University of Helsinki
  • Sladana Djordjevic, University of Kragujevac
  • Slavko Djukic, University of Regensburg
  • Slavko Radenkovic, University of Kragujevac
  • Stano Komorovsky, Slovak Akademy of Sciences
  • Susi Lehtola, University of Helsinki
  • Trygve Helgaker, University of Oslo
  • Timothy Dickens, University of Cambridge
  • Vladimir Malkin, Slovak Akademy of Sciences
  • Yannick Franzke, University of Jena
Event Details

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