3rd European Sample Preparation Conference and 2nd Green and Sustainable Analytical Chemistry Conference (EuSP2024 & GSAC2024)

The aim of these joint events is to bring together experts to discuss the latest advancements in the expanding fields of sample preparation and green analytical chemistry. These conferences will provide a platform for scientific exchange and collaboration to showcase cutting-edge research and technology in a various range of analytical and applied areas related to sample preparation and green chemistry. 

EuSP2024 Topics

  • Fundamentals of sample preparation
  • New extraction solvents and materials with improved and tailored properties
  • New extraction technologies
  • Green sample preparation
  • Bioanalysis and in-vivo analysis
  • Commercial developments and markets
  • Microfluidics/Lab-on-a-chip
  • New strategies in omics
  • Sample preparation for on-site analysis
  • Environmental analysis
  • Food control and analysis
  • Natural products, fragrance analysis
  • Forensic analysis
  • Biopharmaceuticals
  • Industrial applications

GSAC2024 Topics

  • New solvents, materials and modifiers enabling improved and greener processes
  • Green chromatography and related techniques
  • Green sample preparation
  • New technologies to replace existing hazardous ones
  • Sensors, on-site and real time analysis
  • Direct analytical techniques
  • Greenness evaluation
  • Miniaturization
  • New technologies and techniques that optimize resource efficiency, reduce energy demand and waste generation
  • Open-source software and hardware for analysis
  • Green sample preparation
  • Green analytical chemistry applications
  • Commercial breakthrough developments
  • Green and sustainable analytical chemistry in education
Event Details

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