A summer without chemistry – to prevent this from happening, ChemistryViews.org has again selected recommendations from Editors on books related to chemistry and science which are fun to read during a holiday or in your spare time.
If you have other recommendations, please add them by using the comments function below.
Chemical Poems – One On Each Element by Mario Markus As you might know, we are publishing a selection of these poems throughout the year at ChemistryViews.org.
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A Tale of 7 Elements by Eric Scerri Scerri, an authority on the history of the periodic table, gives an account of the discovery of the last seven “missing” naturally occurring elements. The struggles and controversies involved in trying to find those rare or unstable elements make for an entertaining story.
(suggested by Richard Threlfall, Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry)

Life Atomic: A History of Radioisotopes in Science and Medicine by Angela Creager The book traces the history of radioisotopes as military and civilian objects, as scientific tools and political icons, how they transformed biomedicine and ecology. It is a well researched story about the history of science in twentieth-century America.
(suggested by Vera Koester, ChemistryViews.org)

The Circle by Dave Eggers This novel deals with the social implications of internet culture and social media. It describes an utopian, yet terrifying world where ‘All that happens must be known’ and the need for online approval controls every person.
(suggested by Eva Wille, VP Global Chemistry, Wiley-VCH)

The Periodic Table by Primo Levi Holocaust survivor Primo Levi tells fascinating, partially autobiographical stories that resonate with every chemist.
(suggested by Catharina Goedecke, ChemistryViews.org)
Deceived Wisdom: Why What You Thought Was Right Is Wrong by David Bradley The book explains the science behind a wide range of popular myths and misconceptions, from the five-second rule to the uniqueness of snowflakes.
(suggested by Sarah Millar, Chemistry – A European Journal)
Madame Curie: A Biography by Eve Curie Written by her daughter, this biography of the Marie Curie gives an intimate look at the remarkable life and tireless work of the Nobel laureate.
(suggested by Claire D’Andola, Chemistry – A European Journal)
The Secret Anarchy of Science by Michael Brooks Physicist Michael Brooks exposes some of the serendipity, stubornness, rule-breaking, and in-fighting that can happen behind the scenes of scientific discoveries.
(suggested by Eddie Myers, Chemistry – A European Journal)
- Please add your book recommendations
by using the comments section below
Please, see my Blog with the presentation of my Book of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, volume 1 and volume 2:
e-BOOK: Hematological and Metabolical Aspects of Laboratory Medicine (Hematological and Metabolical Aspects from Laboratory Medicine) ( Second Edition ) [Large Print] [Paperback].
Publisher: Aurelian Udristioiu, 2 edition (September 9, 2013) Full Color on White paper, 122 pages.
ISBN-13: 978-1492186816 (CreateSpace-Assigned)
ISBN-10: 1492186813,
BISAC: Medical / Laboratory Medicine, USA.
Sold by http://www.amazon.com
In old times, after more than two decades, opinions literary, cultural and scientific life of our country, were influenced by the east at sunset. Subsequently directions these currents have changed the west to the east. The medical book of author, Dr. Aurelian Udristioiu, from Clinical Laboratory, Department of Hematology, Emergency County Hospital Targu Jiu & UCB University, Romania, “Hematological and Metabolical Aspects of Laboratory Medicine”, 2nd edition, continuous analysis hematologic and metabolic aspects of the first edition, in the context of international fundamental research. The volume is again successful Romanian medical school in abroad, and through this book brings a substantial contribution of Romanian medicine to universal medicine.
It is not possible in this review, limited inevitably to be analyzed numerous data presented in the 13 chapters, but we emphasize the following: – “Energy levels of the metabolic pathways in malignant B and T lymphocytes in Review” ,the chapter presents the latest evidence from the literature on cellular metabolites that may be oncogenic by modifying cell signaling and blocking cellular differentiation. Advances in cancer metabolism research in the last decade have increased our understanding on aerobic glycolysis, anaerobic and other metabolic changes that are associated with cell growth and proliferation. Blocking apoptosis in malignant diseases may be due to the high concentration of ATP from anaerobic metabolism. Energy difference between anaerobic ATP B and T lymphocytes in peripheral blood samples from hematopoietic malignancies measured by bioluminescence was 2.68 μM ATP, a value that appears as an energy transfer between normal B cells and T cells. The energy level can initiate the process of carcinogenesis by suppressing the activity of anti-oncogene proteins. It is concluded that anabolic metabolism in B and T cells in hematological malignancies are under complex regulatory control, directed by receptors on the cell membrane associated with an increase in signal transduction in cells transformed into malignancy.
-The research paper ” Endogenous effects of alcohol on liver function ” it sends a signal to the population as grim statistics THAT mortality from alcoholic liver disease in recent years has been higher than the of several major forms of cancer such as breast, colon and prostate . An international AASLD / ACG 2010 national guidance on the treatment of severe alcoholic hepatitis is proposed to be necessary in all treatment centers for liver disease due to chronic alcoholism. -In the chapter ” Drugs -induced hemolytic anemia ” is presented a case that the best illustrates the cases of laboratory with drug-induced hemolytic anemia ( DIHA ) which are rarely discovered, and for this a specialized laboratory is often required to be performed with optimal serological tests to confirm the diagnosis. Some of the mechanisms involved in DIHA are controversially. Unfortunately, most drugs that cause severe intravascular hemolysis, anemia, renal failure, disseminated intravascular coagulation times and even death, may have different mechanisms and typically involves drug addiction drug antibodies that trigger activity in serum total complement became the context of autoimmune hemolytic anemia. The following chapters convince the readers that this issues is addressed to medical personal for all specialties which can find the ideas on physiology, pathophysiology in the light of current concepts and modern principles Interests of doctors in all specialties , medical students , staff working in clinical laboratories from 21 countries on five continents where the book is posted on sites, is based on the fact that this paper constitutes a large volume of data, experiences, clinical and laboratory research in a systematic and logical display. The new volume of para-clinical specialty rests on a solid scientific information, rigorously confronted with the author’s own experience gained in basic medical education in the country and abroad.
Biochim . PhD, Sorin Gijiu , Member of the American Academy of Clinical Biochemistry. Washington D.C.
Chapter 1 Energetic levels of metabolic pathways in malignant B and T cells; Mini Review………pg: 1-12.
Chapter 2 Effects of endogenous alcohol on liver functions………………………………………pg: 13- 22.
Chapter 3 Drug-induced hemolytic anemia-A case of Laboratory-……………………………… pg: 23-27.
Chapter 4 Variability of Bilirubin Values in Serum Samples with High Triglycerides; Interference or Congenital Liver Syndromes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, pg: 28 – 37
Chapter 5 Variability of Biological Parameters in Blood Samples between two Consecutive Schedules of Hemodialysis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,pg: 38- 49
Chapter 6 Significance of Neutrophil Alkaline Phosphatase versus Isoenzymes ALPin Acute Diseases or Chronic Diseases, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, pg: 50 -60
Chapter 7 From Metabolic Syndrome to Normal Status,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, pg: 61- 68
Chapter 8 Frequency of Sub-clinical Dysfunctions on Thyroid to Ambulatory Control ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, pg: 69-74
Chapter 9 Relation between LDH and Mg as Factors of Interest in the Monitoring and Prognoses of Cancer,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, pg: 75- 86
Chapter 10 A New Approach of Abnormal Apoptosis Implicated in Malignancy and Autoimmunity,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, pg : 87-94
Chapter 11 Anemia by Vitamin B12 and Latent Iron Deficiency-A case of Laboratory-,,,,,,,,,,,,, pg : 95 -101
Chapter 12 High concentrations of anaerobic ATP implicated in aborted apoptosis from CLL,,,,,pg : 102-110
Chapter 13 Measurements of mineral elements and heavy metals from hair cells by IPC-Mass Spectrometry,,,,pg : 111-122.
Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!
Physics Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman trades ideas on atomic physics with Einstein and Bohr and ideas on gambling with Nick the Greek; the book covers cracking uncrackable safes as well as guarding the most deeply held nuclear secrets …
The Disappearing Spoon – Sam Kean. This book provides a fascinating description of the discovery, use and politics surrounding many (all?) of the elements in the periodic table. Thoroughly enjoyable read.
The Sun in a bottle – Charles Seife. Provides an insight to our atomic endeavours, and explains why fusion may be the technology that is always 30 years away.
Seven Elements that have changed the world – John Browne. The author of this book was at one stage high up in the inner sanctum of BP and provides an engineer’s perspective of why the chosen seven elements have had such a profound impact on our lives.